Thursday, October 1, 2009

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

This game is called LEARN THE BONES.Think the purpose of the game is to teach people about all the bones and what they are and what they are called.I think that the person who created the game is very happy.I think the viewers like to play the game because i like to play the game myself.I think it is in good shape and not like some other games i seen.I think it works well and and it is clear for what you need to do.i would like to learn how to put the background so colorful and how to give the user the option to move things around.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The title is called are you making the right choices.It is good for anyone that is an teenager or younger.I think the developer will be happy for what he made and did because these days there are alot of deceases.The game looks like they really wanted to help people and and keep from making bad choices.I think they should add some pictures or something to make it look more interesting.I want to learn how to put the options like yes or no or something like that.I also want to learn how to make the people and things like that.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I love football and basketball !!!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


It is important to have rules because with out rules there would be absolute destruction.We would be all out of order and would not know how to behave.We are suppose to act good and behave well and fallow directions.We have rules at school and if we break those rules we have to take responsibility for our actions.We all know what are our consequences are if we miss behave.
To be honest i don't think i've been a college prep student to tell the truth.

Friday, September 18, 2009

What I learned this week

I learned alot.. Like when we made our blogs because I never made a blog or a g mail.I learned how to use the computer a little better.We learned how to post pictures too.I'm looking foward to learning how to post a video an my blog and making a game!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

Chicano Pictures, Images and Photos

Globaloria class

I hope to have fun but at the same time I want to learn step by step how to make a game.
I also what my game to be educational but also fun.I am excited about how my game will come out and I am also scared that I might not do a very good job so I'm going to try my best.